breakfast oatmeal
not avena steeped in yumminess and cooked on the stovetop. This new oatmeal breakfast I discovered in a magazine, and like it because I make it and put it in the fridge overnight to eat whenever. i am a good friend of whenever. I don’t like a) cold foods or drinks b) microwaves, so I take the oatmeal out when I make my chai (long before I am ready to eat breakfast) so that it warms up on the counter. I was trying to make these oatmeal bowls, but the music in the background made it difficult.
well, the music didn’t, my dancing did


To boot, I am also enjoying my music library in chronological order. !!! I never thought I would, so I never listened to it that way. It’s why I have beaucoup playlists — muchas (demasiadas), molte, viele, muitos. You get the idea. Anyhow, it’s quite interesting and exciting. And a slew of moving songs have extended my photographing and prepping the oatmeal, but … I can’t help it.

I mean, really:

Thievery Corporation


George Michael


Bad Company



Michael Anthony

Little Shop of Horrors 😱

… as I mentioned recently, I like a lot of things.

I dislike (may even abhor) a few. Now adding to those few (injustice, lies, bigotry, undue silence, winter, expectations) is spam. Not as in the spam we as kids liked on our plates (Yes, we did! Well, I did. Don’t know about my siblings.), but as in the spam clogging this blog =\.

so, until i can keep the spam out, 
i disallowed comments on this blog