not mine

So we left Maine a day early because of Harry — the impending storm expected to slam Rhode Island (not my words). I am done with weather reports, so I have no idea how strong it is or where it is headed. Nevertheless, I just finished putting outdoor stuff and plants in more secure locations. It is almost eleven p.m. and it’s all I am willing to do after a packed few days and the drive home.

shall harvest vegetable gardens

and perhaps put stuff in the garage or basement tomorrow if the weather seems worse than I expect. Have yet to unpack and shower, and I must at least shower because a) it’s humid and warm, and I just must b) I have tons of bites + welts + rashes (not all the same!) on different parts of my body and need to put medication on my skin. I feel yuck, there’s no other word; well, maybe ugh. Don’t want to use disgusting about me. 😅

Oops, the name is Henry, no, Henri (excuse me), and he’s a hurricane category 1. But right now, it is the calm before the storm. Chao. Taking care of myself and watching a little golf. Maybe. 👋

monday morning

So I stayed up until one in the morning to watch golf — content on my couch with my bedroom pillow, which usually travels with me on road trips but didn’t on this one. By six-thirty a.m., I was securing more plants and furniture and picking veg. It may be a good day to peel and can tomatoes | or make + can gravy (aka tomato sauce). May be a good day to read and sleep too.

these are mine
henri is here — est ici — está aquí — è qui — ist hier

i like the tinkling of rain, the liveliness around me