My morning reading comprises five books, give and take a few. I can pick up any @ whim or only read one, although usually at least two or three. Quite vague, aren’t I? Reminds me of my first college roommate, who called me
a word i had never heard before:
fickle. She told me this early on. I liked her a lot. Anywho, I had two notebooks in which I write 1) what I glean, plus excerpts + quotes, with emojis + highlighter + eight colored pens, 2) daily affirmations + gratitudes.
On June 1, I added a third notebook and began to read Genesis. I usually read from 4 of its books — Old Testament, Psalms + Proverbs + Solomon’s books, New, and whichever other I choose. I had finished the Old and considered reading one of the “big” books, but a teeny little light went on:
restart + write
It’s what I’ve wanted to do for years. I also ordered a children’s book by the author of the secret lives of Princesses. It arrived yesterday. I’m hesitant to open it!
There is an invisible thread that passes through everything. It is really there. It is the eye of the storm. It is completely at peace.
Michael Singer (I could go on a TANGENT @ THREADS! Ephemeral threads 💗)