so i am writing
instead of reading, wondering why?
— what’s new, you say?
maybe i should take it on
(staying in the bubble, I mean), like exercise: go so far as not to hurt yourself + eventually reach the pose. Stretch + hold. It almost sounds like a tattoo — or a jingle for plastic wrap =).
So, I shall not ponder why since it doesn’t matter. I will read because I need the proper fuel to run this machine that is me, even though I may write beforehand when I am so moved. If I end up not reading after writing, I will not write before reading.
and that, ladies + gents, is a circle
it is refreshing + peaceful + powerful
like a gentle whisper
… a wind … an earthquake … a fire … And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.
Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
1 Kings 19
quite a passage, visual and poignant, of the senses
barely a week since i wrote this, and i must admit: i have difficulty giving up the keyboard once i pull it towards me. a scribble i can run from, but it’s tough to tear myself away from the keyboard. have fought the urge for a week and gave in today, thinking, “i got this,” but: nnnno. and it means not entering the bubble, and you know how i feel about that, so my writing must wait. does that make sense? I AM A WRITER … it is quite a (good, i guess) conundrum.