first monday in june

Actually, in a High School English class, we spent a trimester (?) learning public speaking. The first speech the professor (Mr. Jones — I could go on another tangent!) assigned was to write and deliver a eulogy! I wrote one for a pair of jeans. It was witty, but I had to repeat it. 😑 The classroom went so silent that the dropped pin could be heard. The more I spoke, the stronger the accent, and the more they leaned over their desks to understand, and the more I saw that … and, ugh, you get the picture. Mr. Jones said: “That sounded like a very good eulogy, but say it again, slow-ly, so we may understand it.” The entire classroom exhaled. Somehow I did too.
— Senior Year —
digressed a tad • maybe
Realized last night that I am more peaceful when I give myself less importance among others. When I feel I’m not even there. Can’t splain it any other way. Truly, it is so much easier and better to walk and live without added weight on my shoulders (without added weight anywhere 😆).
Speaking of weight: grandkids and “kids” visiting this week! So essited 😬. But have much to do. My husband laughs and asks if I also want to paint the house. Silly, we had someone paint it a few years ago, but the trim in the denim room needs painting, and “we” must hang the new blinds, and … you know how it goes. So, see ya, gotta go. Not only do I have things to do and work to complete, but I have stuff to plant and pot. Plus, go to the beach because it will be in the 90s and sunny, which means 84 at the beach. ❣️ And I am not waiting until September to go!
chao 🖐🏼
LIVE THE CREATION within and out there