i am reading two books
(besides my morning reading) and myriad magazines, plus culling others throughout the house. They are everywhere. Why two books is beyond me, but I’ve been known to do that before.
One is The Way of Integrity, which led me to consider reading The Divine Comedy (sometimes referred to as Dante’s Inferno) by Dante Alighieri — a book I have heard of since I can remember, and which I bumped into in a bookstore and of course purchased.
i forgot i wanted it
went there to check out book covers and see what’s on the shelves. That book stuck out of its shelf somewhere in the store. I jumped when I saw it. Then started reading it immediately upon getting in the car (my husband was driving 😬)
but that’s it
Haven’t touched it since. The book is enormous. I had no idea. It was written in the early 1300s, and published for the public in 1472. In contrast, Shakespeare died in 1616. Had to look it up and create a timeline in my mind.
slightly digressed
The other book I’m reading is Wish You Were Here. Stayed up until one-thirty in the morning two nights ago reading it. Could have pulled an all-nighter but did not. Wavered for a few seconds, then turned off the lamplight instead.
the magazines are numerous
and diverse, to say the least. Placed a bunch of those old magazines (yes, they’re still hanging about) on a table to review … when I say old, I mean some are (well) over twenty years old. I am shocked. But will probably keep some (most) of them. Will see.
i am beginning to feel the pull of words
i ❣️ words
and letters — used to practice fanciful fonts for hours