at last ii …

i have begun to meditate and chant
And decided to yoga every day (have this week), clean a shelf|closet|drawer|whatever a day (tidy something out of the ordinary, i.e., clean a wall—ever since we painted two of our bedroom walls navy blue I see how much dust exists in the world!), snack less (I didn’t snack for a month last year!), read (yes, I must make myself read, even if for thirty minutes—which is essentially impossible 😄), plan|post ahead, write.
and write some more
I already read in the a.m., well … most mornings: it’s my spiritual chai. I mean other readings! And I must take time, excuse me, schedule time to write too, instead of leaving it for later. I truly dislike later.
i crave routine + schedule, “words” that evade me
I decided to do “this” again because I could not stop myself (R.E.A.L.L.Y?) from eating a mix of honey-roasted nuts and cashews and sweetness to the point that I decided to eat what was left (“not much”) because I will make it up by falling into place tomorrow.
“This” is a list of what I want/should/could do every day, including a MISC column (which usually fills up right away). I have done this before and eventually do fall into place. This raises the question: why do I take myself out? We’ll see what I do do — no, it’s not a typographical error. I like speaking (+ writing) this way.

i am learning about
sutras and mantras and the eight limbs of yoga. Interestingly, the first limb is about others: behavior toward others (such as non-violence, truthfulness, not stealing, not wasting energy (spiritual energy, I suppose), and abstaining from greed). It isn’t until the fifth limb that one is to turn the senses inward to explore. So perhaps the first four ready us for the next four. I see right away that yoga is not about instant gratification but a building or crescendo towards that which I have glimpsed or experienced in intervals.