morning light

i went outside
to empty the dehumidifier and saw a light on the house next door. What is she doing this early in the morning? It is warm for the date, muggy, and that beautiful time of morning before dawn. So the bit of light through the small window of what I presume to be the kitchen, in the blue darkness, looked like a glow of magic. Hmm, she could wonder the same @ me as I do @ her. The wondering persisted.
After reflecting upon it, I realize it doesn’t matter why it persists and will not try to figure it out but move with the flow. What are others doing right now? And, of course, that propelled me to the characters of my novel.* Could be a great way to start the book?! But it’s already started, more than halfway written. Perhaps as a futuristic juncture, before something happens.
It’s like Mine To Give. Must think @ this a bit. I’m in chapter twenty-four of A Tale To Tell, and the question is, really, do I want to upset the apple cart?
ha! made apple tart in the evening
* Because that exact question induced me to write the idea of a third novel, all while I was writing another and polishing a novel (not published yet (!)). Yes, the Queen of Procrastination bows though
a tiara of the princess of now sits on my head
Not quite. Must add that, while watching a football game, my husband glanced at me and asked: “You haven’t given me any birthday present ideas.” He sipped. “Besides a tiara.” =) I forgot I did say that last week. See, I’ve been reading tidbits of the Secret Lives of Princesses book. Although most of the illustrations do not have a princess wearing a tiara, the fact that they should or could is in my thoughts. Do I truly want a tiara? Yes. Should I have one? Shrug. It could be a necklace that fits properly on my head. I just want it. Maybe I’ll try some of my necklaces as tiaras.
Our granddaughter wears tutu skirts a lot, has them in many colors and lengths. I have only one.

Princess def — archaic (WHAT?):
A woman having sovereign power. Must search for the definition elsewhere. A woman considered to have the qualities or characteristics of a princess. (… which are?) A female ruler of a small state … (Oxford’s) => me likey
One circulating definition, a derogatory one that does not apply at all: a spoiled or arrogant young woman — because I am none of those 😆
Anyway, I want a tiara to wear like I do hats. I ❤️ hats. There is nothing wrong w/ that. Hmm, too many negative words in such a small sentence. But sounds so right. Like when my husband reminds me that “not bad” has nothing positive in it … but IT IS positive (dude)!
Paolo had been uncharacteristically rude, and Sara put him in his place. Clarissa didn’t say another word during the meal, not until Paolo went out to take a call, then she hissed.
“Who do you think you are talking to Mr. Granacci like that? A princess? Because if you are, no one told me.”
Sara stared at her. “He is just a man, Clarissa.”
“It’s disrespectful.”
“You are right, he was.”