“List all the times you’ve felt like you’re truly living life at its fullest.” Ana placed the piece of paper on the table. “I opened a magazine on Nina’s side table, probably where she curls up to relax, to that question. The answer flashed through my head im-me-diately. I kept pushing it back, reproaching myself with what is the matter with you? But nothing else came to mind. The answer, which I could have never written anywhere, was clear: when I was unfaithful.”
“Ha! You think so, what about me? I wanted to take it back and unhear it, but it seared my brain. So I pondered why. Went deeper. It wasn’t the men … I felt free, I heard. That damn voice would not stop.Free. What did that mean? From my husband? Not really. I was so tied up with lies, guilt, and all that goes along with living a lie that FREE didn’t make sense.”
She picked up the paper and read some more.
“When I am unbridled, in control, feel cherished, loved, pursued, noticed, understood.” Ana stopped. There was more; she had written so much after she got to her car that day and had no choice but to answer the question physically.
“Perhaps because you were getting away with something?”
“You think? Well, wait, there’s more: When I DO and succeed, DO being the keyword here. When energy flows through me. When I travel.”