
one of my favorite holidays
as a child. Yes, even after Christmas. Or especially because it was after Santa Claus had brought us presents even though we never had snow. Or chimneys. It is also
a word i like to use
epiph·a·ny | i-ˈpi-fə-nē — an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
The celebration | holiday has made it into the three novels I have written so far — in greater detail in the current one.
Chapter 21
A Tale To Tell
“Where I come from, both Santa Claus and the birth of Jesus are celebrated, though on different dates.” Miriam sits on the arm of the couch. “Kris Kringle shows up on the 24th and the three kings from the East, bearing gifts, on the 5th of January. So the holiday season ends after the first week of January.”
“Kids out of school that long?” Camilla watches Angelo, who’s most likely thinking of his grandmother.
“Gifts twice, then?”
Sara joins in and smiles at Sara. “Yes, usually three gifts on Three Kings Day.”
“Huh, one from each.” Angelo sits back.
“Miriam’s very Catholic grand-pa-rents gave the best gifts then, and stocking-stuffing type on Christmas. Tokens, kine of.”
“Stocking stuffings could be veeery niiice.” Camilla smiles to herself.