Scottish shortbread cookie tin can with art by Steven Brown
A yellow tab sticks out of the notebook where I transcribe a word, a phrase, a sentence or two, sometimes a thought — whatever I want to set down as I read in the morning. Hmm, from one page to another? Have many full notebooks, as I read and jot almost every day. May have taken sabbaticals here and there, but those have been few. Perhaps that’s why I am driven to write:
to let out a truth for others to read (first wrote learn, then hear, but it’s obviously read) or a lie for me to let go.
back to the yellow tab
if you have a lot of fear, you won’t like change … work to release it, or you can keep it and try to hide from it … you have defined HOW THINGS NEED TO BE in order for you to be OKAY.
Michael A. Singer (emphasis mine)
January 20th — jotted almost two full pages, this is not even half of it.
Funny how sometimes reading from different sources in one sitting melds.