october 2021
what is god’s will for you?
simpler to answer:
of all that you think, say, and do,
even refrain from,
what isn’t?
it is merely the ego that
because it is only
the ego that
Course In Miracles
be aware of your own awareness
know the eternal —
it brings enlightenment
Tao Te Ching
verse 52
lightness of being
brings forth bliss

there is peace
in all of us

a place where god abides

reclaim it
it may be the human goal
don’t try to understand everything
on board
as much as you can
and try to make it work for you
then all the things that are hidden
will be made
clear to
Abba Macarius
when we live without any deceit
we are free
and at
what we learn from experience depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to experience
CS Lewis

but at some point you have to make peace with what you were given
. . .
useful, then, might be to accept how i was made and embody myself therein
Elizabeth Gilbert
Eat Pray Love
do we give
(to ourselves + others)
what we
bring to god?
avoid senseless pursuit
i am he who searches hearts + minds
Revelation 2:23

tell the truth and live honestly
with the windows of your soul open

everyday deeds and words
flowing with the wind
there is something more intimate
and relatable
than our personality
and who we think we are
forgiveness undoes what fear has produced

you either forgive totally
or not at
Course In Miracles