november 2021
be thankful and faithful
do not reap to the very edges
of your field
or gather the gleanings
of your harvest
. . .
Leviticus 23:22
is an action
the words you use
reflect the quality
of your spirit
New Beginnings
13 November
is there anything (or anyone) that you think you cannot do without?
ponder that for a moment.
of course you can do without it.

choose peace
at every turn
until you won’t have to choose anymore
the only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone
Mitch Albom
the five people you meet in heaven
i don’t quite subscribe to that, but the thinking we’re alone pings at my heart because we’re not
every day
getting closer to the truth
. the journey is the path .
the only path
take it
… become quiet enough
so that you can simply watch the heart begin to react,
and let go before the mind starts.
Michael A. Singer
The Untethered Soul

be thankful + faithful every day 🍂
. self surrender is voluntary .
surrender your self
to yourself

it can be so powerful
and more than once, that impression which i can’t describe except by saying that it’s like the sound of a chuckle in the darkness. the sense that some shattering and disarming simplicity is the real answer.
A Grief Observed
take off the fig leaves
become totally empty
quiet the restlessness of the mind
only then will you witness everything
unfolding from emptiness
. . .
to know this process
brings enlightenment
Tao Te Ching
Verse 16

we are at peace when we surrender to providence
she was fascinated with words. to her, words were things of beauty,
each like a magical powder
or potion that could be combined
with other
to create
powerful spells.
Dean Koontz
how do you use words?
… how often?
. the choice to want and grasp is ours .
but remember that often
it is simpler + easier
to let go
and swing in the pendulum
of balance
teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart
of wisdom
Psalm 90

when not sure how to say something,
what would / do you do?
i mean, when you know it will detonate a …
do you say it as is? coat it?
change it?
not say anything at all?
just wondering
know everything in this moment
and you will know the
eternal tao
Tao Te Ching
v 14
it is simple to open our hands + receive
try it
not clinging is a wonderful enterprise
what if nobody finds out who i am???
Billy Joel
Big Man on Mulberry Street