ice queen
from a 2 ½ x 4 ½ rectangle of paper with a 2020 and a 2019 written note paper clipped to the page dated october 2004 in the middle of the spiral notebook
so why am i posting on july 24, 2021?
Because when I came across them again, I realized it was time to post or shred them. Walked away from it twice but decided to type it. It is what it is. Or, in all honesty, what it was. Almost walked away as I wrote, to write it throughout the day, I told myself, but didn’t. Stayed right here. ❣️ When I turned to the second page to type what was left, I breathed a sigh of relief, even though a coolness ran through my body. Death doesn’t always mean no more breathing, but the end of something.
it can be renewing, leaving behind what keeps one from living — by ending memories, pain, revolving thoughts, pasts, fears.
simple, although not easy to do,
but oh so doable!
be free
that which is blocked and buried within you forms the root of fear
Michael A Singer