and feels like it

and has a sound to it i like

The first day of Spring 2021 lived up to its name, and I went to one of my favorite flower places (for lack of a better word—shop doesn’t fit, neither does garden) in Rhode Island—there are quite a few for such a small state! It wasn’t as exuberant as usual, but it was its first day open. I purchased more than I intended to, including the seeds photographed above—as if I needed seeds!

but there it is

they had tons of orchids

And perhaps because of the indiscriminate spending, I felt out of sync all day. I had asked a friend to meet me there, but she could not do so. 😕 In the afternoon, she asked, “What are you looking to create?” I frowned at the text but answered, “Something, anything. An oasis? 🤔 Hmmm, that just came out!

About five hours later, she texted back,
“What did you consider?”

I didn’t answer right away because I considered nothing. My eventual response the following morning,

“🙄 Considered nothing, just plopped things and plants in the wagon. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I like the act of considering … don’t think I do much of it. 🤨 Hmm.”

I like the thought of considering

is what I really meant, although not what my hands wrote.

i shall consider

i love my true friends

Not really about Home + Garden, is it? But maybe about planting seeds and growing after all — even if in my soul.