home store trip (#5,437 %@!*)

After all these years, you’d think I have learned to keep some thoughts to myself … specifically, thoughts about doing things around the house. Sometimes my ideas get 0 response, as in nada, niente, none, but some get an immediate response, immediate to the point of let’s start right now.
I kid not.
This may mean discombobulating rooms in the house without notice, any notice.
So on this cold Sunday, the “broom closet” (a pantry, small appliance, odd ends type of closet) has been half emptied, the floor torn, and soon we will be heading to match the floorboards on the garage loft because we are about four or five short. I have not written today yet because to fit stuff in the dining room, I had to close the table, which involved oiling the leaf, which turned into oiling the table and the two end chairs, and half of a cart with large appliances and pottery. I stopped for lunch, and that’s when he asked me to look for the leftover boards.
As I inhaled my lunch and researched Footer font changes for this blog, he decided we should go check out wood. Yes, I could have easily said not now … but that might have ended up being: not ever, the project out the proverbial window.
The stairs in the basement to what is called the hole (a four-and-a-half-foot crawling space under the master bedroom) got done this way. I just spoke the thought and BOOM! The new floor in the basement also got done this way — that was painful. A tale for another day.
Yet, the stairs to the basement have been unfinished since the floor to the basement got done … actually, since before. The little piece of wood that belongs next to the new refrigerator is still propped up in the dining room — unpainted.