tattoos i

Hay cosas que no se tatúan con tinta

Some things are not tattooed with ink

tat·​too | ta-ˈtü:
a mark, figure, design, or word intentionally fixed or placed on the skin

I don’t know where I first saw that sentence. It was recently, as in the past year. I have scribbled it in many places since — notepads, atop pages, the inside of a book. Whenever it sparks my mind I write it, and it always rewards me. It would seem to be a sad endeavor, it even sounds sad, and perhaps that’s why it first attracted me, but on thinking of it a bit, just a tad, it does the opposite.

I’ve never wanted a real tattoo, yet wanted a word, or a thought, visible, for me to remember throughout the day … so yes, i want a tattoo, one that i could change at whim