and i know it, yet often i don’t feel it Answering an innocuous question recently, I was startled by my answer. So much so that I could barely write it (I journaled for a few months). Well, it wasn’t recently, maybe a year ago, but it impressed me so that it is on the edges of my mind often. At times almost continuously. It is at least a two-prong question (to my thinking), even though it isn’t on paper. And this morning, the whole thing is screaming at me.Instead of shushing it, I want to answer it aloud. Perhaps I may.THAT’S WISHY-WASHY! PERHAPS MAY? TIPS & TECHNIQUES FOR SHUSHING A PRINCESS to this day there is no solution for shushing a princess. DON’T EVEN BOTHER ❣️ the secret lives of PrincessesPHILIPPE LECHERMEIER 1 2 3 A Tale To Tell, Quotes, Scribbling, Spirit, Wisdom 1 Like3 mins read456 Views Previous post mofongo Next post how to say goodbye Related postsAbout Me, ReflectionspauseWritingre-bootWritingstill editing like a blue thread