may 2021

.pushing the boundaries of protocol.

.upsetting norms.


.disregarding conventions.

princess meetu

the secret lives of Princesses

Philippe Lechermeier

truth + light

obliterate darkness

which equals


one who lives in accordance with nature does not go

against the way of things

he moves in harmony w/ the present moment

always knowing the truth

of just what

to do

Tao Te Ching

Verse 8


it means distanced — outcast — “not right”: haunting words which have translated into my heart and mind as “no good, damaged, spoiled.” i could go on. although i know otherwise, i feel not that-wise.

hmmm … turn away from feelings and thoughts and be the spirit that god created, that i am.



you don’t have to find yourself —

you’re not lost


we are looking for an ally where

we are offered

either a Master or a Judge

CS Lewis

Mere Christianity

how much do you imagine throughout the day?

is it thinking + pondering?

or fancying?

obedience is the road to freedom

humility the road to pleasure

unity the road to personality

CS Lewis

The Weight of Glory

could you | i | we abandon bitterness,

slander, anger, malice, lies:

(whether doing or believing)

what is not of the spirit?

for one day?

(v) 5a: to cease from maintaining, practicing, or using
(n) a thorough yielding to natural impulses
almost opposites, aren’t they?

a mind free of thought

merged within itself

beholds the essence

Tao Te Ching

Verse 1

how often (and well) do we master our wills, and tongues, and passions?

. . . we have the power to do so . . .

why not choose to?

whom have you so dreaded + feared

that you have been false

to me?



how many of us do

what we







to the pure, all things

are pure

how dedicated + committed am i?

where is the fruit of my soul


being going?

is it?

going, i mean?

The Four Tendencies

Gretchen Rubin

surrender that promises an escape

from relentless rebellion

and from the ego,

with its demands, noise, and pain

why would you hold me


to your thoughts?

Course in Miracles

learn to undo error

and correct it

you must be ready

and willing

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