a gift from the sea
Gift from the Sea
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
it is perfect for today
and is nudging me to a place of peace, of undulations, of … I cannot quite describe it. It is what drove me to write because I almost crowded a quote at the bottom of a page but didn’t, and before writing the quote atop a new + clean page, I scribbled in orange ink:
do not do such injustice!
I meant: do no such injustice as to write a great quote on the last line of a page, then realized, in orange ink again =),
it applies to so much!
may the outward and inward man be at one
SOCRATES, from Phaedrus
The day after, I read in the first book that when we turn to God, we pray. It is so simple! Seems much of everything is simple. I am not oversimplifying or overgeneralizing. And I believe that is why, more often than not, I find it difficult to get out of my own way.
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