at an inn with unbelievable flora (took so many photographs!) and amazing breakfasts, plus sticky buns that are not too sticky but still scrumptious. This is the third year in a row in New Hampshire, although in different towns, and we have been blessed with fantastic weather all three years. It is always the week before the NH Highland Games — which I had attended a few times before these group trips and the weather was also superb then. Started going to the Highland Games to do research for Mine To Give, which then turned into the head-over-heels desire for all things Scottish.
Although New Hampshire is mountainous and well-endowed with firs, maples, birches, and who knows what else, the photograph above captures the freedom of driving, the feeling of being on a journey, which is enough for me. Getting somewhere is sometimes as exciting as the destination. I like to travel — to move.
- dahlias
- king tut
- these photographs don’t quite convey the quaintness and charm of the place
- hibiscus
- more dahlias