the complete experience

On the way to the exhibit, I learned that the other woman passed out (probably why we left=) and had to be carried by her arms and legs into her house and put in bed.
“like in the movies”
the owner said. The driver, her boyfriend, hit the house when they got there, and the airbags deployed. They were still deployed when he picked us up that morning to go to the exhibit on our last day of work. He had a burn mark on his forehead and nose from the airbag, his glasses taped. The horn of his SUV kept going off by itself in traffic, and other drivers were yelling and flipping him the bird. We laughed so hard going to work that morning! Laughed throughout the day every time we looked at his marked face and broken glasses. I am laughing now, recalling the whole thing.
it took me months
well over half a year, to drink lemonade again. And I 💛 lemons. Make lemon water, lemonade, lemon granita, vinaigrettes. But after that jaunt to Mexico, just the sight of lemons made me ill. I never told my husband about the episode. He would not have been amused. I met the king of Spain, by an incredible chance and some gumption on my part, during one of my trips to Spain, and he resented it a bit, so I kept the fun parts of my travels to myself. Always. I worked for a foreign company for about five years and traveled a heck of a lot.
nope, not that one either.