i hear the pitter-patter of feet. what is he doing at 6:31 am?

written a couple of days ago

So, we’re traveling to Maine at about the same time as last August. We have things to do and places to visit that we like, plus hope to find some new ones. Otherwise, it would be too predictable. So we will make our usual stops on the way up and back, plus whatever else.

Wednesday: leave early enough to make the stops, go off the cuff, not be in a rush yet still get to the house so we can spend time with the kids before the witching hour 😄: when it’s time for them to go night-night.🌛

We will bring antipasto from The Hill for dinner, should say from Venda Ravioli: a shop with Italian goodies like food, bread, meats, all kinds of yumminess on The Hill. I don’t particularly like antipasto, but do eat around its edges. And since I usually have to buy it, I add other stuff for moi.

Got suitcases out three days early, toiletries two days before (today), may even set aside some clothes. ☑️ I am particular about clothes too. I may pack today and the day or morning before travel, look at the stuff and replace it with different items. If it were a business trip (which is non-existent in my world), it would be easier. Reminds me of a conversation when I was in high school or first year in college, somewhere around 😳 YIKES, it was ~ forty years ago.

how. is. that. even. possible?

Anyway, a friend of my brother’s, a neighbor, laughed when I went out to put the trash or do something. For some reason, that is how I remember it got started: with me taking out trash. He shook his head and laughed, looking at my siblings. Our parents were at work — we had people over the house every day, all the time, even though we weren’t supposed to. This meant we had to clean and tidy up the house every day. Our friends would help before leaving, throw away, wash and dry and put away cups, vacuum (yep, those lines had to be on the carpet), turn over, and fluff cushions. To boot, we were in the forbidden living room with its off-white furniture and carpet!