the garden

forget-me-nots in the front garden — were there when i moved in
Well, they may not be there anymore … sad tale. Will see.*
From spring to winter and year to year, the garden changes and flourishes yet comes back again the same. Each spring, I am astounded at the delicate flowers and stems that come up, as if it were the first time I see them. Which, in a way, for that new year, is exactly what happens.
It is difficult to say which is my favorite flower, as I have many faves. My husband says it’s King Arthur (whatever).
my·o·so·tis | forget-me-nots
Forget-me-nots have lived in my memory since childhood. I saw a movie when I was young. It was a 1971 movie, don’t know when I saw it, but probably when it came out, as my mother loved the main actor. My recollection is of a field of forget-me-nots, which the main male character called myosotis, their real (Latin) name. The memory is of a sad yet tender encounter between a couple. It was intense and beautiful and probably too much for a little girl, and I have carried it with me all my life.
“You must be gypsy.” He places the book on the night table and holds a hand out. “Speak to me: blue.”
“I owned playing cards when I was young. They were small.”
“What does that have to do with blue?” He watches her lips as she whispers.
“The prominent color was baby blue. On the back was a picture of a little girl with blond curls. She was dressed in blue and wore a wide-brimmed hat, carried a basket of forget-me-nots.” Sara holds her breath for a second, then smiles. “Their name is myosotis.”
the word inspires me, something about it
*they are still there!
12.22: not there anymore! my husband dug them up by mistake while eradicating black-eyed susans =(