on a beach state of mind
Should stop. This post is getting too long and disconnected, discombobulated (I have always liked that word). But I am in a beach mood.
Took the photo below a couple of years ago. On that day, I took seventy-two (yes, 72!) photographs, and that lady is in twelve of them. She makes the picture, the others just got in the way. The sense I get from her pose and air seems so personal, so me.

I was there ALL DAY. The waves crept up on the sand all the way to the boardwalk in some spots and I didn’t notice until it was too late. I was one of the few people left on the doomed sand. The rest crammed themselves on the boardwalk! As the waves drew nearer, I gathered what I didn’t need and brought it to my car, keeping only a towel on the back of my chair, the little cooler I jam with food + drinks, and a book, plus a waterproof bag for car key, phone, lip balm, etc. Someone made a comment as I walked with some of my stuff to the car, obviously unwilling to leave the taken-over-by-the-waves-sand. =)

It is one of my favorite days at the beach, and I’ve had many! I wanted to bask in the sun and the soft creeping waves, the melting sand under my feet, the squeals of children. The photographs bring it all back as if they were a scent. ❤️
Passage of time
She is like a scent, a fragrance that seeps within and around him. Maybe he could put her in a bottle and open it when he has to have her. Turner unhooks the showerhead and rinses her hair. She could be a genie.
Sara closes her eyes. “Most of what we learn will be of use at one time or another, even if just as a point of reference or for memories’ sake.”
“how could a scent be a point of reference?”
“A fragrance remembered is like a voice that comes from nowhere, sometimes unexpectedly. They are little gems that the brain has the ability to capture and store, something I can grab unconsciously in the dark.”
” Like you do me?”
I’m not sure. Scents have a heart. Do you? The thought surprises her, but then he turns off the hot water and, as the cold splash stings her body, she lets it go.