In my morning reading of September 02, I read: the Present is the point at which time touches eternity … obeying the present voice of conscience, bearing the present cross, receiving the present grace, giving thanks for the present pleasure. =) CS Lewis
So I spent most of the day @ the beach. A small whale washed up onshore. =\ I had never seen that before. It was a little sad and tragic, but after a while, I found out that it was not alive when it arrived. It bothered me a bit, but I still enjoyed every second under the sun. I wanted to kick and scream, for real, when it was time to go. My inside voice was not a voice but a whimpering groan the whole time while I gathered and folded and tucked in my canvas bag, continually saying
i don’t want to go!
I. LOVE. BEING. @. THE. BEACH. To my soul, it is an unraveling of knots and tangles and … hmmm … sigh. I have stayed away for too long. It boggles my mind. I’m talking years. I may go once or twice now, when for years I used to live there. Some say we do what we truly want to do. I disagree with that.
waited for the first snowfall to post this =)
Was going to flashback it by posting on the proper date. But it is a scribble, as I did not post it on the actual date, and here it is as such. The snow hasn’t started, but it is expected to be a doozy. Yes, we already had snow, but it was in October and not the same.