lentil soup
- onions
- shallots
- spring onions
- chives*
- coriander
- peppercorns
- salt
- thyme
- garlic
- celery
- carrots
- water
- ~ 3 hours
not usually, but sometimes
- * whatever we have, not always all these oniony veg. Is that even a word?
- bell pepper — if it needs to go, it’ll do more in the broth than in the compost, the same with a potato or two
- any green in the fridge we want to add (aka get rid of), such as spinach, lettuce, etc.
- any herbs (or most. I don’t add basil no matter how much we have in the garden)

we call it clean-the-fridge broth
And we make enough to freeze ~4 cups in storage bags — store in smaller amounts for when we need a little bit only. Use mainly for soups, but it could be for anything, really, especially risotto. I make vegetable broth much more often than chicken broth.
lentil soup
- salt pork
- garlic
- celery stalks — whole, discard after
- tomatoes
Could be cooked sauce, canned tomatoes, or even paste in a pinch — which we also save in a baggie when we open a can and don’t use it all. I have two small, clear plastic containers in the freezer with items like these — so they’re easy to find. Otherwise, they’d get lost in the jungle.
- cheese rind — keep a baggie of these in the freezer also
- salt + pepper as needed, depending on the broth
- broth
- lentils — prefer French (Puy) lentils because they seem hardier
- ~ 1 hour, more or less
i asked Santa for
a bread machine years ago, and he said: Uh, no. Appliances are forbidden presents. To which I responded: Ok, I’ll get it myself after Christmas, but it is the only thing I want. THAT WAS EASY!
- bread flour
- yeast
- salt
- water
- ~ 3 hours
We do make bread by hand (use ‘we’ lightly): Soda Bread (needs no rising time) and Gros Pain — they are simple and super crusty. Must have a photograph somewhere …

April 24, and this is on my mind