i have a few bags

with peanut butter cookies (four in each). In the freezer. In the basement. To make them more difficult to eat. 😆 But want to make lace cookies. Yes, lace. Presume they have another name or names, but that is how I know them. And they are soooo good. I am not a dessert person, 

prefer salty and tangy to sweet,

 but the sweets I do like I love. =) Lace cookies are thin and crunchy and super-sweet, very unlike my favorite cookie of all — the peanut butter (no chocolate, please!). And I don’t even like peanut butter. Have to be naked + afraid to eat it. I could buy raisin oatmeal cookies if there’s nothing else and I feel like a sweet thing.

oh, and madeleines de commercy!

Have not made those in a while. Today is a coolish June day, and baking is not out of the question. Yesterday was, too. My husband made 00 flour pizza last night (first with that flour + first with his new Father’s Day pizza steel). It was scrumptious, the flavor markedly different, which surprised me. Anyhow, later 🖐🏼: going to place the ingredients on the counter so that I do

bake the whispy things

  • flour
  • baking powder
  • sugar
  • rolled oats
  • orange zest optional (NO)
  • pecans (walnuts/almonds Ok too)
  • heavy cream (I use ½ + ½)
  • butter, melted
  • light corn syrup
  • the best part of making the cookies (besides eating them) is setting them out to cool + dry

from a 1994 Martha Stewart cookbook:

Menus for Entertaining