i have a fascination

I took out autumn linens and the purple placemats. Orange, yellow, and printed napkins look vibrant, a nice splash on such a gray day! They don’t need to create a fancy table, just a colorful one. I have always enjoyed cloth napkins, and don’t use them only for guests who come over for dinner.
there is always laundry in the basket,
so what do a few squares add to that? It’s not an everyday thing, but a few times a week, when I remember. And in the vein of color and fabric and . . .
(having trouble concentrating with George Benson 🎶 in the background 💃🏽)
it’s time for a change:
my motto (one of many), even though the allure of difference and change could be deceptive, I enjoy newness in sameness. We change yet remain the same. The world around us changes, yet it doesn’t. Kind of like the same old thing in new packaging, or new light, or new whatever. People change too, believe it or not; nature revamps itself (most times). I don’t need something new to have something anew, unique, to feel new. That word again.
am i talking in circles?
No. Well, maybe. Regardless, I want to move my office | workspace around so that I face a different wall or window, put away summer photographs for deeper, earthier ones, and smile at something other than the white linen curtain (a piece of fabric, really, which I have yet to turn into a curtain).