banana ice cream

i am selective about ice cream
don’t really care for it, but a good, I mean, good vanilla, butter crunch, or banana ice cream, warmish + semi-melted, I won’t pass up.
maybe his choice
was entirely personal or made so that I would feel inclined to make the ice cream. Now, my husband cooks as much. Well, more than I do (actually, definitely more than I do — he just read over my shoulder what I’ve written so far and laughed), and is excellent at it. So I think he wants it as a treat because he has made ice cream before, all by his lonesome self. He even bought the heavy cream yesterday.
i remembered at about 2 p.m.
after we put the first coat of paint on the face-lifted shed in the backyard. Skipped the ice cream maker recipe, as we’ve used it before, and it isn’t banana-flavored enough. One of the first recipes to pop up online was Alton Brown’s, from the Food Network.
it is yu-mmi-li-cious
we didn’t have light corn syrup, let me re-state that: we had it, but it was eight (yes, 8) years old! Don’t know how that is possible. I go through the cabinets at least twice a year! So we used sugar dissolved in a little water (nothing like simple syrup) in its place.
as i said: yu-m-my
we did have ten (yes, 10) bananas in the freezer since we use them in smoothies, banana bread, cornbread. The smoothies thing is a joke. Wouldn’t know one if it sat next to me =>. We always have lemons, ALWAYS, and vanilla beans. I have a sugar container with a vanilla bean in it and, when I remember to use that sugar for baking, it makes anything scrumptious. As the sugar diminishes, I add more, and the bean keeps on imparting its flavor and delicious scent.
i have no idea how old that vanilla bean is