look beyond yourself
go ahead
there is a vast difference between “knowledge“
(having the facts)
and “wisdom“
(applying those facts to life)
Life Application Study Bible
the soul cannot be harmed
we can choose to ignore it or hide from it
yet it is always there — untouchable, present
we do not live without it
William A Ward
small keys can unlock great locks
simple words can reflect great thoughts
(like tattoos?)

if you were a color what would that be?
silly question, i know —
for some reason, i want to follow the image with color
(didn’t last february)
so, which?
Monkeys and Palm Trees
She sits up straight and gathers her hair to one side. “What do you think when I say yellow?”
“Sun.” He is getting used to her sudden outbursts.
“Flower.” And likes them.
“Cute. Red?”
“Grrapes.” He rolls his rs with zest.
“Oranges.” Sinjin looks at the two people who just sat next to them.
“Don’t stare. Brown?”
He smiles and sticks his tongue out. “Wood.”
“You’re a natural kind of guy. White?”
“But I am green,” she throws her head back and laughs, “or blue!”
of Corbusiers and Masters
She exuded color, a dark aura of an almost physical, luminous light that enveloped her from top to bottom and all around.
“Do you enjoy it?”
enter through the narrow gate
for small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life

who gets to the entrance?

doesn’t even
faster than the speed of light
impossible to control
never stops
princess zig-zag
the secret lives of Princesses
Philippe Lechermeier
be simple
be tender
be true
People suffer at the thought of being without . . .
TAO 42