
be careful what you sow
Read something to that effect last week and wrote it on a little piece of paper that has been sitting on top of my laptop. As I said once: what we say and how we treat others are windows to our souls — and this, sowing, goes along the same vein.
1 : to plant
2 : to set something in motion
What we do and say, sometimes even what we don’t, affects those around us. Not because it is grand, or good or bad, but because we turn to one another, be it to a parent, a child, a partner, or friend — to so many things and people, even in the abstract — for guidance, support, hope, which means that others turn to us too. More often than not, we choose our walking path, if not our living paths.
Yet what we all choose, without exception, in every instance, is how we interact with one another. We know deep inside, truly know, how to do it. It takes leaving the “what if” and the “but” behind.