seek, find, enter

Follow your path to the end
Accept difficulty as an opportunity
This is the sure way to end up
With no difficulties at all
Tao Te Ching — by Lao Tzu
One of the books I read in the mornings is the Bible. Don’t remember when I started, but my first recollection is Valencia, Spain, circa 1997. A Bible I brought with me. It was my son’s. I remember that because it was “cool,” with snippets on each page about the happenings and the people,
relating it to contemporary life
It had funky circles and squares filled with content. It was visual, and that may be why I liked it.
i presume i took it with me to feel protected
I traveled a lot then
When home alone for extended periods, I used to bring the Bible to bed and put my hand on it. Perhaps not to feel alone? If I was scared, I would lay my head on it. May sound strange, but it helped me get to sleep.
i am not as fearful
as I was, but must admit that I still seek that safety.
You would think I would not be surprised by passages I have already read, but it happens. And I think, how could I have forgotten that? Couldn’t understand it until someone mentioned that we may read and hear words more than once but are not receptive or ready for them until we are and that what we intake, how we receive information, depends on our circumstances.
that made so much sense
And here, writing this, on this early Tuesday morning, when I expected to read more but picked up a pen and paper (instead of the smart writing system I bought last week, yet have to use), it dawns on me that being receptive and ready to intake or receive works for ANYTHING. Or, I should write, for EVERYTHING.
how receptive am i?
Digressed. The reason for veering from reading to writing was to put this somewhere besides my notebook … and a post it is, although it could end up in the novel —