memory from a photograph

and it was not my first kiss
that happened in Kindergarten (why a German word?). And I remember his name.
Children are little humans with incredible understanding and insight, wit, and brilliance, which is why an unscrupulous child is disconcerting (in my view), and an honest one is a joy. We may grow up and mature a bit, but I think that what we do is age. We learn, yes, and change, absolutely, but THE KERNEL INSIDE is the same. Perhaps why we don’t feel we ‘have aged’ when we are 55 or 73 or whatever age we are.
this thought is in one of my possible post pads. Shall continue it another day.
back to the photograph of the wedding
I will ask Mom if she found (looked for) it. Or ask my sister Mercy (short for Mercedes =). This is the smile, sort of … genuine?