just a note i

Straight from a June 2014, Friday afternoon note
thinking, thinking, thinking,
going over scenarios, revisiting pasts, I took out paper to create yet another list when a thought invaded my manic mind: what would I do if there was one day left to live?
The prancing madness evaporated. I laughed and cried at the same time. Breathed deeply and softened my shoulders, then created a timetable: 1 day, 3, 1 week, 1 month, 3 … to 30 years. I’m still crying!
I found the note last year, shortly before June 2019, and created the piece below. And that’s about it. Like looking at it, revisiting the note, thinking how neat … Yes, I have started and | or accomplished some, but not the meaningful and important ones, the ones that woke me up that summer day years ago.