it would be (actually, it is, because I made one on 07.29.21 to be a post. HA! It is still in the Scrivener binder) unbearable. Could I pare it down? Or divide it? Revise plus all of the above? I am not sure. But today, I feel empty, in a good way, and ready. I have felt caged as if on a threshold, not imprisoned.
could it all just be in my head?
Well, of course, it is: it’s where so (too) much resides. The July list contains thirty-four “items” I want to do + twenty-one that are the ones I do. When I review the list, I see that I can organize or lump items, therefore compress the list. In a nutshell, they simplify into
. yoga . personal care . declutter (should eventually go away) . clean . read . write . reach out . create .
yep, same old stuff
Over a month ago, I came upon a 2008 🙄 Lenten church pamphlet and decided to read the daily snippets and scriptures. Each day has a purpose and an action — simple actions with purpose. The header for the first day is: GETTING READY TO CLEAN MY CLUTTER. I liked that I didn’t have to declutter straight away but that it would begin tomorrow (procrastinator at ❤️).
so perhaps, no,
definitely, that is what drew me in. Yet I got stuck when I had to gather five books. What??? Yes. Kitchen stuff, bed and bath linens: no problem. Clothes? Fine. Books: un-un. But searching for a book to read in answer to the January 3rd question: what are you reading right now? (nothing),
i decided to find those five books
Easy, because I have a stack of seven that I’ve wanted to give away for ye-eee-ars. I’m keeping one because it has a few ripped-paper bookmarkers, which means there is some wisdom in those pages. And yes, I chose a book to read: Ideas of Heaven,
which i read ages ago
(~ twenty years ago!), and bought it recently. Only remember that I wanted it — obviously a library book. I used to live in the library. Oops, I’m keeping another! Oh, boy. Have to take the chosen five to my car, where the other stuff is ready to go.