i had no idea
what Sinjin would look like. Many characters are like that to me, as it is somewhat non-essential. I knew all about him, what matters, but not his looks, not physically. We are so much more than our appearances. I hear earthquakes and cyclones in the distance. 😄 Anyway, I saw a photograph online and knew immediately it would be the basis for Sinjin. So I printed the image and put it on my desk — a handsome man wearing a suit and polka dot tie — within a year of widowhood.
My manager, a good friend, got around to asking (I found out later), “Who is that?“ | I smiled and shrugged with delight. | “Errol Flynn. I had no idea.” | Relieved, he sighed and explained he was concerned when he saw a man’s photograph on my desk.
At that point, I hadn’t even begun writing the novel in earnest.
But Sinjin was born. And I had a picture of him.
there is little wrong with the man
Well, not until the third novel, which I am currently writing. Some characters from Mine To Give were meant to make a cameo in it, as well as characters from Like A Blue Thread. But they have sprawled into the fabric of the manuscript, so now there is a continuum — used that word recently, don’t think I had ever written it before or used it, really. I looked it up to ensure I spelled it right and got the meaning correct.
continuum: con·tin·u·um | kən-ˈtin-yü-əm — a coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence, or progression of values or elements varying by minute degrees