napkin writing
is it the darkness within
that makes us (me) feel inadequate,
hopeless, discarded?
It may seem at times that you are (I am) not enough, or correct, that there’s no hope, that you’re (I am) not wanted where you (I) want to be or by someone — but you are (I am), we are, and satisfying THAT is what matters most.
stop the tug-of-war + live
why do we war?
i ❤️ napkin writing
The original scribble (photo below) does not contain the ( ), but I felt compelled to add them because I included myself in the thoughts, but it didn’t sound like it, so I personalized it.
The scribble may seem a bit vague, but not to me. Well, obviously, I wrote it. I want to substitute satisfying with acknowledging or living.
And we do war — within us and without. Yet I know that more than finding and learning and doing, we should let go and walk into the rain, sort of. The image of walking into rain is sweet to me, has always been.
Sting has a song that embraces the thought, too.