
I have mentioned enough,
for sure, that I read in the mornings, and that I love CS Lewis . He wrote THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS, and when excerpts from that book appeared in the Daily Readings book, I skipped them, didn’t like them at all. Then I read some. Finally, I read them as they happened — I’ve been reading the daily readings for years. Last week I purchased the book. The letters are from Screwtape to his nephew Wormwood, who is a junior tempter. The enemy they fight is God.
It is clever, yet I can read it only by transposing names and pronouns. Because I am reading the “Letters” instead of excerpts from other books, the effect is impressive. Some days, I read more than one letter.
While reading today, I stopped to write, and more than one answer — not an answer, but an opening, or a background, a line, cannot find the proper word — surfaced for the novel. Perhaps solutions? I wrote a conversation (what makes up most of my writing epiphanies), which I will expand in different directions, give depth to characters, substance to the tale. All because I was open to what I read and open to writing. The subject is it. Riiiight.
often times i pull away
from real and imagined duties because I don’t want to spend any effort on “it” WHEN USUALLY “it” requires little — or less than what I anticipated — or no effort at all. Many times I walk away from receiving. Suddenly, so much makes sense. Over and over, I discover how easy it is to be sensible. And the more I discover it, the more I see (sense?) it. It’s a “viscous” circle. =) movie line, I know it’s vicious.
There’s a napkin on my desk filled with writing on all sides — titled WHY DO PEOPLE LIE? It’s been sitting there for almost two months because I cannot make up my mind whether to incorporate it into the novel or post it. I have already posted some of the napkin quotes, so I will cross those out and see what’s left. See what to do with it.
i was going to write
but my husband is sitting behind me on the couch waiting for me to get up, get dressed, and go with him to Home Depot, BUT I AM IN SUCH A CREATIVE BUBBLE! Doesn’t he see that? Silly question, woman. It is to get something I want, which I could care less for at this moment.
to stay or not to stay, there are so many questions
=) I truly love that Hamlet line. May post all the already written posts, which I push aside as I look for new ideas or old ones in boxes while so many are RIGHT HERE … already typed!
quite an insightful morning
I think my mind and fingers on the keyboard and notebook race because of the impending doom of having to stop what I want to do for something else.
He’s still waiting, and I’m still writing.
=) =) =)
At least I typed all this, plus have easy-peasy blogging work for the next week or two + new avenues for the novel. Home Depot, here we go. Oh, he’s looking online for what I want and will order it. But I want us to make it. !!!
Now he wants to measure.
Oh, no, wait, it’s out of stock. =)
This is turning out to be fun.
Regardless of what happens next, I have a mental outline of what’s ahead of me, and I like that. WHY? Because I am usually pondering what next or what’d be better?