before i began
so i stare at the
ancient list and smile — I had such high hopes of blogging about interesting stuff, yet don’t refer to the prompts even though sometimes I struggle to define what I want to write.
i shall
- the book(s) that *
- i first read
- read last
- accompanies me to bed most
- i talk about the most
- i couldn’t put down
- scared me the most
- made me think
- made me laugh
- made me cry
- read more than once
- disliked
- could not read
- changed my life
- random
- there is no such thing as a jinx
- 0 writer’s block
- grape juice
- mornings
- when i was a teenager
- what makes … so intriguing, fascinating
- the darkness of evening vs morning
- inspiration
- i design, cook, read …
- golf (gardening, music, …) provides
- most sunday mornings … monday nights
- my pleasures
- i’ve always wanted
- still random
- once a week | year | blue moon
- my favorite lullaby
- a gift
- yoga
- queries, synopses, etc.
- e-write versus long-hand
- i’m intrigued by …
- i prefer …
- knowledge
- flora
- only one in sand
- drove home in bathing suit
- walked off golf course
- more random
- darth vadar
- angel at heaven’s door
- i have the most fun …
- scents
- dance
- “oh boy! note to self: don’t pick up.” why i love the beach (2018)
- photography class
- the deepest fear(s)
- calling (and not) those i love
- cosas
- chiquero =)
- places | somewhere
I have posted about some of the topics above — which is kind of amazing! And although I plan to post about the rest, I will do so 1) between what I have already written (plus whatever jumps in my mind some mornings or whenever I write) and 2) in any order. I mean, come on, 1 + 1 = 2, and X * Y = XY, but this is not mathematics. 🤓