
The “LAST 90 DAYS” (which started on October 1, 2019) got me writing consistently again. Then once 2020 started writing came to an abrupt stop — even though I started my own “FIRST 90 DAYS.” But it wasn’t (note the verb tense) formal. So I will make it formal and begin:
- daily affirmations
- daily gratitude
- daily writing
- a new goal of setting up, planning, and organizing my stuff for this Blog
- RISD class on Web Design (maybe)
I can barely finish writing this paragraph because the little voice in my head reminds me that I’m not kidding anyone, least of all it.
"As my designer guru* assures me, I must plan. Which is not my thing. Except when I travel, and although planning for travel reaps benefits, the unknown and surprising also make a journey special. I know this quite well. In travel, just like in writing, I love going off the cuff."
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is what I wrote on the In-The-Works page. And it is true. I traveled a lot, and going by the seat of my pants turned out to be outrageously great. So I have a positive experience on the subject, negative as well, though not in travel — but the positive is what remains. As it should.
* The designer guru is my son, who is quite adept in Web Design and such things, but who thinks I am adept too and allows me to flounder and learn and find my way the hard way in the web | blog design world. Payback from a child? Hmmm. I can design fabric and match colors in a cinch, but this is arduous and foreign to me. Yet I plow on. What other choice do I have when I want it my way?