That’s written <by me> on the top of my notebook’s front cover,
where I jot down thoughts and quotes during my morning reading.
I have many others for other purposes —
some for no purpose whatsoever
• • •
I am looking for the verse so I can quote it properly and confirm the order of the words, but the number of underlines through the passages keeps me turning pages and going on tangents. Yes, I underline, write on margins, mark with different color pens and symbols (stars, asterisks, flowers, smiley faces, frowns, squares, circles, etc.) my Bible.
According to the letter’s preface, it is one of Paul’s earliest. Post-letter, there’s a ‘checklist for encouragers’ with what looks and sounds like tattoos =)
It is worth reading, at least the last two chapters. But if there is no time to read:
be joyful
give thanks
in all circumstances
1 Thessalonians 5