peaceful + still —

what i find so amazing
when I read the Bible in solitude and quiet is its simplicity and conviction — a washing over of peace and stillness, yet with a current or power running through it. And it doesn’t just make sense but is active: it heals and empowers.
conviction: con·vic·tion | kən-ˈvik-shən
i mean strong persuasion or belief — being convinced — compelled to admit the truth
That darn bubble again. Does it dissipate when I close the books and notepad and put away the pens in the heart-shaped holder? I have previously stated that it doesn’t disappear but that I turn away from it and focus on other things and people. But it is difficult for me to believe that.
hmm — uh, why?
you must have the capacity to receive, or even omnipotence can’t give
CSL — A Grief Observed
That quote is staring @ me on a sheet of paper with other quotes. Anyhow, I went off on a bit of a tangent, skillfully, I must say, because even I didn’t realize it. By the time I picked up a pen and turned the current chapter I was editing so I could write on the back of the last page, my hands caught up with my thoughts in midstream. What induced me to put off reading for a moment so I could write this was:
by believing you may have life
John 20:31
We have life live by breathing, but a bigger, larger-than-life (pardon the pun) experience is here and now. Ours for the taking. Pardon me, not bigger than life, but more significant than “breathing life.” What I call the bubble is a different life, a new state of being.