why refuse your real potential?
the life-long longing
in your heart
do not fret — it leads only to evil
the ego splits, splinters, separates
desire nothing
whose path are you so rushing to sweep?
pride leads to every other vice:
it is the complete anti-god
state of mind
Mere Christianity
and the more we have it ourselves, the more we dislike it in others.

could you (i) substitute
for discipline?

it sounds + feels differently to say:
i am not devoted enough than i am not disciplined enough
in the end
the treasure of life
is missed by those who
hold on
gained by those
who let
Tao Te Ching
Verse 75
do i aspire too much?
. to do . think. love .
or not enough?

prepare yourself …
for all the decisions you will make today by remembering they are all really very simple
.each will lead to happiness or unhappiness.
let not the form of the decision
deceive you
Course In Miracles
lesson #64
there is but one goal
and it is internal
. for one .
the mind commands the body and it obeys
the mind orders itself
meets resistance