the complete experience

“how are you today?”
“Fine, you?”
“Did you sleep well?” There was something in his voice.
“Yes, fine. Thank you.”
“Do you know at what time we left last night?”
“Four-thirty.” He was trying not to laugh.
As in the a.m.? No wonder I felt like I hadn’t slept!
“do you remember anything … like singing with the mariachi bands?”
“Uh, ye-e-e-s.” This was one of the owners of the company I worked for, mind you.
“Do you remember smoking cigarettes?” At this, he laughed.
“Whoo, yesss.” It all started coming back.
“Were you sick this morning?”
“No.” I was so proud of that.
“we all drank together, all of us”
he said. “No one had a shot without the others having one also.”
I shrugged — OK, big deal.
“There were five bottles of tequila on the table when we left.” His eyes searched mine.
All I remembered was yellow—the mounds of lemons! I looked around the room, and everyone laughed, even the staff.