
Have you ever asked yourself after hearing someone — was that for real? I did recently, so the word disingenuous popped into my head. I looked it up, then looked up candor, and thought: how succinct! Yes, I definitely hear that in people.
dis·in·gen·u·ous | dis-in-ˈjen-yə-wəs, -yü-əs
lacking in candor — also: giving a false appearance of simple
can·dor | kan-dər, -dȯr
1: unreserved, honest, or sincere expression
2: freedom from prejudice or malice
would i hear it in myself?
I aim to be candid, truly, and prefer to keep words + opinions to myself on many (most) occasions when I am around people
they can be so tricky =) THE WORDS, I MEAN