tattoos ii

As Dr. Johnson said,
“People need to be reminded more often than they
need to be instructed.”
I so agree with that. It is why I want a tattoo every so often, to be reminded of whatever inspires me or sparks a desire some days.
Most of these words or fragments are embedded in my head for who knows what reason. Mostly they’re from a sentence read. I read (endeavor to, anyway) every morning while I drink my chai and beyond. Mornings bring me a freedom I envy the rest of the day (not really envy, but lack perhaps is a better word — really?), so when I read in the a.m. words super-influence me. It’s why I wrote my second novel before going to work, although it meant waking up in the wee hours. But that’s when my thoughts and spirit are smooth and fluid.
more of the list
enter into peace
full circle
you are a gift — open it
what’s stopping you?
awareness does not fight
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