
Just as the beginnings and, for that matter, all of my writing happened without me meaning to write, I am unable to pinpoint a desire for the craft.

i did not develop

My SAT scores showed I was adept in literature but not math, debunked in my young mind as I became an Honor Student my senior year (first and only time) and particularly excelled in a harrowing calculus class.

the concept

My English was barely basic 4 years earlier when we moved to the states, so the SAT scores baffled me.

it was never in my head

Nevertheless, what I did have ALWAYS, which I still do, is a love of paper, notebooks, pens, and pencils.​
words scribbled: to use or wonder, or wander


unyielding; unalterable


unusually advanced in development, especially mental development


(not a cocktail)
pampered + playful coquette


characterized by, or uttered in, complaint; peevish


any error, impropriety, or inconsistency


a group of things occurring together
to produce a particular effect

more: vociferous | quagmire | insolence