where i come from
I was born and raised in Puerto Rico and still, whenever I go back, I feel like a child—perhaps because I left at the age of thirteen. Perhaps because I feel a thrill at everything there: the breezes, the ocean, the tropical sun. Or it could be the smiles, the scents, the food and art, music, dance. The colors! It’s all still amazing for some reason. I carry a lot of those things in me, but being there is like being on a stage where I can enjoy them in a different way. A much more real way.
Cuando no estoy contigo yo te invento | When not with you I invent you
from Isla Bella🎵
I walk through Old San Juan every day when I am home … to my mother’s chagrin.
house sign | Old San Juan
growing up
I have grown through many stages, suppose we all do. First as a child on the island, then an adolescent in the states, a young mother in Venezuela, a professional wherever work has taken me, and now settled in the Northeast, but still growing.
My childhood memories are dreamy & joyful, so idyllic I sometimes wonder. Lived and experienced many adventures (which I kept to myself, afraid none of my friends would believe them, as they were extraordinary to me), didn’t learn to swim pretty, had good manners, was polite (so I am told), and liked all kinds of music (which I still do). Had terrific grandparents.
years ago at El Morro fort | Old San Juan
where i’ve been
I was fortunate to travel the world — except to my wistful destinations of Egypt and Tahiti. Have experienced and seen much, and realize that, although locales and customs may differ, as humans we are very much the same, yet unique. “Just” born under different circumstances, in different beds.
“As exotic as destinations are, they are common. The children in silk coats were on their way to school just as a neighbor could be on our side of the world. How we see our surroundings, and our destiny within it, could alter our paths if we allow it. We see what we want to see, and find no excitement at ten in the morning unless we want it and look for it with fervor …”
from Like A Blue Thread
years and years ago | Ahmedabad, India
what i want
selfie for photography class | at home