yes, again, words:
skip this post if you’re tired of hearing, or rather reading, about words.
y words. But isn’t that what this blog is all* about.
Read this morning, for the umpteenth time:
and had to look up the definition of inexorable again. Do I forget the definition because I don’t use the word? Could be.
in· ex· o· ra· ble | i-ˈnek-sə-rə-bəl
: not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped: relentless
Just as the following always takes away my breath, and even though I get it, I have to look up the words again.
so· le· cism | sä-lə-ˌsi-zəm
2: something deviating from the proper, normal, or accepted order
3: a breach of etiquette or decorum
gram· mar | gra-mər
4: the principles or rules of an art, science, or technique
synonyms—principles, essentials, fundamentals
there are so many
words and phrases in CLS writings that arrest me, yet I love to read them because they give me so much. Another one in particular, mercenary, I also have trouble digesting, yet ❣️
mer·ce· nary | mər-sə-ˌner-ē
1: serving merely for pay or sordid advantage
synonyms—coveting, greedy
this is not so much “about me,” is it?
* In my notes, I often, if not always (necessary here =), call out quantifying words because they are not necessary to complete most sentences, and do highlight them. Funny: there’s a bit of quantifying in this one sentence.